She Gave Birth At Her Friend’s House And Was Sent A Bill For Damaging The Couch

Ask any woman who has had a child and they will tell you that being pregnant is not the easiest thing in the world. It’s considered by many to be a beautiful time in life, but it certainly is not without its difficulties.

That is especially true for the woman in the following Reddit report who gave birth at her friend’s house unexpectedly. She went into labor and before she could get to the hospital, the child was born.

The problem was, she wasn’t expecting to get a letter from the woman a few weeks later that totally changed the course of their relationship. Read the story below and then you be the judge as to whether she was right or wrong with how she felt.

I don’t even know where to start with this. I’m sorry for bothering y’all with it. English is not my native language btw, so I’m sorry if this riddled with mistakes. I’ll also use fake names to make it a bit easier to follow.

I have a close friend group consisting of 7 women (including myself). We’re all around the same age (26-32). Some of us have known each other since we were wee kids, so some are closer than others.

We do girl’s night about every month but decided to keep it chill and do a movie night at Ella’s house seeing as myself and Sarah are pregnant. I was at 36 weeks at the time.

I had been having some discomfort for some days (nothing I wasn’t told was completely normal) when things suddenly got kicked up a bigass notch. (Idk if that’s how you say it.)

Things got a bit hazy from there, but I went from discomfort to active labour in a short time. I didn’t feel comfortable moving at that point so someone called our version of 911.

With the help of the EMT my child, with impeccable timing and a flair for the dramatic, was born on her sofa.

The girls were amazing, supportive. But when the EMT’s came they did ask most of them to leave & I was grateful they did as it was very overwhelming. I only asked Grace to stay, who I’ve known since we were tiny humans and at that point I had already crushed her hand (her words). (She also is a nurse.)

The weeks after have been a whirlwind. Despite everything baby & I are fine. My partner was initially upset she missed her birth but moved on quickly as she fell in love with our baby.

Thing is that Ella has been cold towards us ever since. She’s the only one who hasn’t come by. When I apologised and thanked her, she sent me a bill for the sofa. (Which I don’t mind paying at all but it still felt kinda.. harsh?) Sarah and some of the others said she was upset I (& the EMT) sent her outside.

I love those girls, but I already was in a panic & having all of them there was just too much. Ella seems really hurt though? Sarah & Grace mentioned she at first didn’t want to leave (I don’t remember this) as it’s her house, that she wanted to be there when the baby was born. Apparently Sarah’s the one who told her it’s not about her now, and got her out.

(She did ask months before to be there as well but we had already decided only my partner was gonna be there.)

I don’t really know how to fix this. I feel guilty, my wife says I shouldn’t. How do I go about all this? She barely wants to speak to me, she’s been distant towards the girls as well.

Edit: I’m feeling incredibly overwhelmed by all the replies so I’m going to take a step away from this. I do appreciate all of you taking your time, whether kind or not so much.

This situation has been insane for us, but also for her. And I hadn’t properly thought of that, which is very much on me. I’m going to try & reach out again, pay her back everything (as I should!) and try and resolve this somehow. I care about her. I want to make this better. I don’t think it’s about her sofa but there’s only one way to find out.

I’m sorry for my comment in the beginning about my English. I’m genuinely not a native English speaker. A lot of you are accusing me of this being fake because of the situation (which I can’t blame you for. I wouldn’t have believed it if it hadn’t happened to me) and because of the way I speak. My wife says to take it as a compliment about my English, but I feel incredibly guilty. I’m sorry to anyone I have offended. (I’m also sorry about the joking way I spoke about it, definitely did not mean to make light of a situation.)

Thanks to every one, good luck. Baby, wife & I thank you for your words.

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